It's time to loosen up the purse strings! I have been online shopping a lot more recently and even though I am not a HUGE spender when it comes to buying clothes, I do love to treat myself. I picked out some of the items I am currently wishin' on and items I have on my cart.
As you can tell by my picks I am a good mixture of girly and edgy. I really love mixing the two! I also shared some fun accessories that are currently on-trend and I need them all NOW. Let me know if you guys want more posts like this one because I can totally share more wishlists and of course also include affordable items.
I love creating wishlists and gift guides because it gives my family and friends hints when holiday shopping ;) it is so much easier to send over a link rather than describe the item, haha.
Also, let me know what is in YOUR wishlist and HAPPY SHOPPING!
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