Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Okay, I caved. I wasn't sure if I wanted to share this recipe because it's like MY(and my sisters) little secret haha, but I caved...so...here is the recipe. I have been eating this for years now and it has become a must-have when I am on a diet, shish honestly, I find an excuse to eat this all the time.  Coming from the girl who is ALWAYS on a diet, I need to find foods that are 1. delicious but 2. help my stay on track when it comes to achieving my diet goals. I also have a really, no like, a REALLY bad sweet tooth to the point where I sometimes think I have a sugar addiction, and this curves my sugar cravings. 

It's also like really simple to do and what I love most is that you will most likely already have all the ingredients in your pantry or fridge. Whenever I take this to work or eat it around other people I always get questions on what exactly it is that I am eating and I quote, "that looks so good".

Alrighty, I need to stop hyping it up and actually explain what it is. This is what I call my power bowl. I call it that because well it gives me energy, satisfies me, it fills me up until my next meal and its "HEALTHY-ish". It's probably the simplest recipe you will ever find, but simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo Da Vinci. I am so annoying, I know. 

This power bowl contains 4-5 ingredients depending on how crazy you want to get with it. I like mine simple, but girl, do your thing. You will need plain vanilla yogurt. I like to get the non-fat yogurt because I will be adding in fat with my next ingredient, which is peanut butter or almond butter. If I want to be extra healthy, I do almond butter, but if all I have in my pantry is peanut butter, then peanut butter it is. Next, you want to add in some fruit. I personally like strawberries and blueberries, but again add in the fruits you enjoy most. Lastly, you can add in some sort of oats, or granola. My sister likes to add honey to hers, but I eat this to lose weight. She is skinny, she can afford the sugar the honey has, so I skip it on mine. You can totally add a little bit, but that's completely up to you! (go for it, I won't judge you) 

I like to have this on days where my egg whites are just not doing it for me and I feel like switching things up. You can also have this as a midday snack. 


1 cup of Plain Vanilla Yogurt 
1tbp of Peanut Butter or Almond Butter 
1/4 cup of blueberries
1/4 cup of Strawberries
1/4 cup of Outs or Granola ( I usually skip this, because some can have a lot of sugar)
a drizzle of honey (optional)

350 cal, but please feel free to plug in your ingredients in an app like My Fitness Pal or Lose it!


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